Harlem Shake with a Stewart platform

I had a project assignment to do for one of my university courses (Numerical Analysis). The project was about modeling a Stewart platform in MATLAB. I took it a step further and animated a Harlem Shake of the final result. Enjoy the video!

Here is the code that I have written to generate the images compiled in the video above:

Master Thesis Prototype

Currently, I am doing my Master’s Thesis at the Department of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University. In this project, we aim to demonstrate a new concept for improving traffic safety using wireless communication between vehicles.

This image is a sneak peek into our second prototype. Can you guess what the lower part is? The final report will be published here in the middle of June.

Blocket Contest Solution

As I mentioned last week, I have participated in a contest. In total, I got 17 points, which means 7 extra points out of 10 for my solution in the last challenge. That puts me in place 28 or place 3, depending on if you consider everybody with the same points in the same place or not.

Here comes my solution. The problem description can be found in the picture above.

Blocket Easter Eggs Contest

Blocket.se is a Swedish online market for buying and selling goods. They are huge and probably exist in your country, too, under a different name.

They are now hiring people, and what better way to recruit programmers than to set up a contest? They have hidden 10 Easter eggs (geeky riddles) in the guts of their website, and the challenge is to find them and provide the right answers.

A friend of mine and I have found them all. We also found out that the last egg has a follow-up task which you are not required to complete. However, I have completed it, and I will post my answer here after the contest ends on the 7:th of April.